Wednesday, September 18, 2013

With a little help from my friends...

Hi All,

Sorry for the delay. There's been a lot going on and I wasn't sure what to write about. I didn't want to force a blog topic just for the sake of writing one, so I waited. But I'm back, so here goes.
This past week was rough. I was having a hard time with moods (mainly depression) and just the stresses of life in general. I had a good cry one day, and slept away through classes for another.
But I made it through my week with the help of some friends and family. I depend on these people greatly, and I owe them big time.
A support system is an amazing thing to have. Everyone needs friends and/or family to support them. You can't go through it alone, whether you have a mental illness or not. But those of us with a mental illness need support from those around us. We don't need constant supervision, but we need to know that someone will be there to help us when we're in need of it.
So I am mainly using today's post to thank my friends and family for their help, not just this week, but every week. Sorry for the short post, especially after a longer break, but I'll be back with more once I'm back on track.

Ben P.

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