Monday, September 23, 2013

Total Hiatus...

Hi All,

I apologize for yet another small hiatus, but I was just discharged from the hospital this morning. It was a long three days, but I survived another stay.
Guys, it was not too pleasant of a stay. Yes, everyone was nice, and I was treated very well, but I was pretty much there against my will. I admitted myself, but I did not want to be there. I was pretty much forced into going by the CanHelp Hotline people. Needless to say, I will never be calling them again (and I hope I never have a reason to anyways).
Anyways, I was taken to the emergency room early Friday morning. I sat there in a bed for five hours, trying to sleep, but hardly getting any. While I was there, they did a lithium level, along with a a few other blood tests. Finally, they admitted me to the Behavioral Health Unit (that basically means psych ward).
The next day, I slept through basically the whole day. I was that tired. But I still went to group therapy and any other group sessions that they had. The following two days were uneventful, save for group therapy sessions, movies (Forrest Gump still stands as one of the greatest movies of all time, but I will give Walk the Line credit as an awesome movie too), and meals (hospital actually is not that bad). I also made a collage (I freaking rule at making collages).
Finally, today they did another lithium level and I was told that it was perfect. I waited around for three days for a blood test that could be done outside the hospital. Anyways, I was told I could go and was released this morning.
Anyways, thanks for reading this. I know it's just me talking about the hospital, but I had to get it out there.

Ben P.

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