Thursday, September 19, 2013

"I don't want the label..."

Hi All,

I know that I just posted yesterday, but I wanted to share something that affected me today. It's a quick story, but this really bothered me, and continues to.
I was helping an organization I'm part of, called Active Minds, with a table promoting awareness of suicide awareness. It was me and a girl (whose name I obviously will not use here) who's part of the organization manning the table when a college student about my age walked over. He was looking over the stuff that we had laid out (pamphlets, pins, the like) when he picked up a bracelet. The bracelets say "I cannot be replaced" on them and they have instructions attached to pass on the bracelet to someone who you know is struggling with depression. This guy was looking at the bracelet when the girl I was working with said something along the lines of "You should take one of those. It could really help someone out." The guy said in a solemn voice "I actually am one of those people," meaning that he must have been suffering from depression. The girl then said "Oh, well then you should definitly take one." Then the guy said something that floored me: "I don't want the label." Before leaving, he pointed to one of our pamphlets which has the word UNTREATABLE with the UN crossed out (meaning that mental disorders are treatable), and he said "That's very true," then walked off.
Sigh...where do I start? Two things I want to say.
1. Mental illness is treatable. Sure, there's no cure for most of those illnesses, but treatment plans are always possible. If you have a mental illness, you are not a lost cause. You can be treated and you can be helped.
2. Stigma is a bitch. Sorry for the language, but come on. I was always afraid of labels before I started telling friends (and the family that didn't already know) about my illness. You have to look past the labels because the fact is that this is your health. It's not only part of who you are (although obviously you didn't choose it), but it's also your health. No one should make fun of you for your health. That's just wrong.
It really bummed me out that this guy wasn't even willing to wear a bracelet because he was afraid he would be labeled. I obviously don't know his situation, and I don't know his condition, but the poor guy needs to look past the labels and do what's best for him, not what to do just for appearances.
I'm attaching several links to the bottom of this post. For anyone who needs help or knows someone who needs help, or just even a boost, take a look at these links. The first one is a TEDTalk which I think a lot of people have seen, but it's a comedian who suffers from depression. It's 10 minutes long, but worth watching. The second is the National Suicide Prevention Hotline site.
Anyways, I'm done ranting for tonight. Thanks for reading, guys, it's really appreciated.

Ben P.

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