Friday, September 6, 2013


Hi All,

A touchy subject for anyone with any illness is medication. With side effects, are medications worth it? Will these drugs alter my mind to a point of no return? Will my personality be gone after taking them?
I asked myself these same questions when I started taking medications. The problem with me was that I didn't really have a choice because my depression was so overwhelming and, well, life-threatening. I needed the meds, and some of you may argue that one does not need medication to make their life better, but believe me, I needed these meds. Badly. My mind was so gone that I needed an up, something that would change my brain chemistry. I needed a balance of the chemicals in my brain.
Of course, meds can have major side effects, especially when you've been misdiagnosed and are taking them for the wrong condition. Having the urge to eat everything in sight while losing the will to exercise can cause a weight gain of 120 lbs in a six month period, and all of this caused by one medication. Meds can also make you incredibly tired or even more moody (yes, this is counter-productive when you're taking medication for unipolar depression or bipolar disorder).
My theory about meds is that you have to tread lightly while keeping in mind that you're taking them to make yourself better. Going on a strict regiment of meds is also trying, but worth it in the long run if the medications actually works. Positive thinking, right?

Ben P.

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