Thursday, September 12, 2013

Just another brick in the wall...

- "All in all, you're just another brick in the wall." -

Hi All,

I know that Pink Floyd had another meaning for their song, but I'm using this lyric to describe those people who suffer from depression (or bipolar) and whose symptoms and silent cries for help are ignored by those around them. Many people who show depressive symptoms often try to show it through their actions and words, but their friends and family often don't pick up on this, which can be harmful to both parties in the end should something happen to the sufferer.
When I was first experiencing depression, I would often lay my head down and tell my friends and family that I was tired. Most people would either write it off as me not getting enough sleep or me just complaining. I would also make jokes about...well, (let's get down to the nitty-gritty here) harming myself. No one took me seriously. "Dude, quit kidding around" is the only response I got.
It's a shame for us who have to suffer in silence and feel like we can't come out and say "I'm depressed. Please help me." It's really a shame for those who lose a loved one because they didn't pay attention to the signs.
This week is National Suicide Prevention Week. But every week should be National Suicide Prevention Week. Because we all need to start paying attention. If you think you know someone that is depressed and not getting the help they need, do something about it. Be their first link to help. Do not let that friend or loved one be another brick in the wall.

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