Saturday, September 7, 2013

It's a Betty Crocker kind of day...

Hi All,

Today was one of those days where I could have screamed my head off from frustration. It wasn't so much what occurred today (if anything), but just from my mood. I woke up feeling down, went to get breakfast, saw a line, went to get breakfast at another restaurant, saw a longer line, and became more depressed. It's stupid stuff like that that sets me off when I'm feeling down as it is.
How did I try to cope with this depression. Easy. Betty Crocker's icing. That's right. Just straight-up icing from the can (vanilla, can't be chocolate because that just tastes funky by itself). This is the Icing Effect, where I'm so depressed that I go out and by icing because I've pretty much lost the will to care.
I guess I was depressed because I was lonely. I'm one of those people that loves solitude, but I also love talking to close friends. It's a contradiction, I know, but still. I was not around people today. In fact, I was so removed from people that I was starting to lose it. If I wasn't eating icing, I was sleeping. I took five naps today (ranging from half an hour to an hour), and what's sadder is that I'll probably sleep really well tonight, maybe ten to twelve hours. Sleep is my friend, but it is also my enemy in some respects.
My building is so quiet. Everyone here agrees. Most people hate that nobody socializes. I had one guy come into the lounge and watch the game (GO STATE) with me, and he didn't stick around long. This place is lonely, but it is sort of nice to have the place to myself.
That's all I have for today. By the way, I'm going to try to keep this blog updated daily/bi-daily (Bi-daily? Is that right? I mean every two days) and I may run out of ideas once in awhile, so if anyone has any suggestions for what I should write about, please let me know!

Ben P.

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