Friday, September 27, 2013

Take a sad song and make it better...

Hi All,

This is going to be brief because, well, I don't have much to talk about (well, there's a couple of things I would love to talk about, but outside influences are saying I can't). I just wanted to let you guys know that I've been doing well since I got out of the hospital. I've been dealing with the stresses of school, with people I feel are trying to bring me down (again, can't really talk about it here), and with life in general. But I think I'm taking it in stride.
I can't say that everything is perfect with the world, but things are definitely a hell of a lot better than they were even a week ago. It's a good feeling being stable for the first time in...well, months. I don't feel like I could conquer the world, and I don't feel like the world can conquer me. I am at a happy in-between.
I think this could be a new beginning for me...I really do. I think that I could potentially stay stablized and lead a happy and productive life. Because I do not want the alternative...that is, leading a crappy, miserable existance. I mean come on! Who really wants that?
Anyways, I'm hoping I have some excitement in my life (good excitement) because I think I need something more to talk about. I am definitely keeping this blog going because, (I'm sorry) let's face it, this mood won't stay great forever. It's pessimistic, but it's not self-destruction through fortune-telling like some of you will say. It's just the truth with bipolar disorder. It can rear its ugly head at any time.
I'm going to end this post before I start with the pessimism and scare everyone away from reading. So I'm hoping that all is well with you guys.

Ben P.

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